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STARS to quality


The What:

The Best Beginnings STARS to Quality Program is a voluntary quality rating and improvement system that aligns quality indicators with support and incentives for early childhood programs and early childhood professionals.


Key components of quality ECE programs include effective instructional leaders, collaborative teachers, involved families, a supportive environment, and ambitious instruction.

The Why:

Commitment: Your involvement shows your commitment to quality to the families you serve

Marketing: Becoming a STARS provider sets your program a part from the rest


Income: STARS Providers receive higher reimbursement rates from the scholarship program and Incentive Money based on STAR level. 


Support: Receive additional support and resources from STAR coaches and consultants every step of the way

The how:

Programs may apply for Best Beginnings STARS to Quality at any time on the Early Childhood Project website. 


To apply, you must log in as an organization, go to the STARS tab, and click “Apply for STARS”. 


If your application is accepted, you will be notified and sent a STARS to Quality agreement and W-9 which must be returned in order to be accepted into STARS to Quality. 


If you need assistance, contact your Local Child Care Resource & Referral Agency.

STARS to Quality
Reach for the STARS

Learn more about Stars by watching these videos

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