Child Care Programs:
access Substitutes
It can often be a headache for child care programs to stay fully staffed.
Substitutes are vital so that providers can attend professional development, get paperwork done, avoid the 5:30am scramble when someone calls off and take a much deserved vacation!
Once onboarded, all new programs receive 3 FREE placements to try out the service.
Have Questions?
To participate, programs must meet at least one of the following:
MT State Licensed​
Tribal Licensed
Head Start or Early Head Start Program​​​
Programs must have or sign up for payroll
​Click below sign up to access subs or be contacted when we onboard programs in your area​
We are currently recruiting substitutes statewide! If you know an individual with or without child care experience, refer them to become a substitute and receive a $25 gift card once they complete orientation!
How do I know the substitutes are qualified?
Raise Montana screens all applicants and ensures they have completed all necessary training and state requirements.
Do I get to pick the substitute for the shift?
Yes, you post your open shift on an easy to use online platform. You are notified when substitutes apply and you can review their bio, qualifications, etc. before choosing the right sub for you.
How are the subs paid?
You will pay the subs just like you do any of your other employees. If you do not have payroll, please contact the Shared Services Coordinator to learn about our payroll services.
How are wages determined?
When posting a shift, child care providers will include wage information. Substitutes will view the wage before applying for the shift.
How much does it cost?
Programs will pay the substitute's wage. In addition, programs will need to purchase a monthly or yearly subscription in order to post an open substitute shift.
​​All new programs receive 3 FREE placements! Click here to learn more.
Are these substitutes approved by licensing?
Yes, all substitutes are on the ECP Registry and attached to Raise Montana’s PV#. Raise Montana has all of the necessary paperwork for subs. Both Child Care Licensing and the Early Childhood Services Bureau have approved of Childcare Connect Montana. ​
If an individual has not completed all trainings, but has cleared their background check, you will see "Trainee" listed in their bio and wage.
What if a sub wants to bring their child to a sub shift?
It is entirely up to each child care program whether subs may or may not bring children to their program. It is the subs responsibility to contact the program before accepting the shift to discuss if bringing children is allowed. If the program allows a sub to bring a child, the sub must fill out all program enrollment paperwork.
Do I need to get special liability insurance for subs?
No, your regular liability insurance will cover subs. If you have concerns or specific policy questions, please contact the Substitute Coordinator for support.